Saturday, March 29, 2014

Introducing our spring flyer *drum roll*...

Download here
Right click on the picture and click 'Save image as...'
Once you've saved the image then use the options available in your image viewer to print 1-4 flyers per page.

All of our tables are booked (still accepting swag bag entrants) and we're excited to get rolling on this years event! Today's HH tip is all about advertising! (stay tuned for part 2) As a reminder, we'll be taking care of much of the bigger advertising-websites, signs, newspaper ads etc. but the more advertising we do, the better! As previously mentioned, one of the reasons we're able to keep vendor table fees low is because each vendor puts in a good effort to help advertise. If everyone pitches in, we should get lots of traffic and have a successful event! Remember, every one of us benefits from any advertising efforts made : )

Attached are our official HH flyers for this year.

-for a black & white option, just select the "black & white" box option when printing from your printer

-to format for half sheets or quarter sheets, select up to 4 "flyers per page" option when printing from your printer

Ideas for placing flyers:

-Print off some flyers and keep a few in your purse with a roll of tape to place wherever you may happen to go. In years passed we'd tape them in bathroom stalls, tuck them in books, & attach them to community mailboxes while on walks! If you don't have a lot of extra time...get creative! ; )

(The Ad Kit Arlena keeps in her car!)
-Visit places where people in your targeted market go. Ask permission before posting a flyer on any establishment's bulletin boards or taping them to walls or windows. Consider high-traffic locations like supermarkets, laundromats, student unions, community centers and coffee shops. With permission, leave a small stack of flyers at these places for people to grab

-Around your Neighborhood: Drop flyers off on doorsteps, community mailboxes, and in mail slots if your flyer is applicable to the area. Especially if you're taking the little ones on a walk anyway!
Good areas to advertise in: Peoria, North Peoria, Glendale, North Glendale, Phoenix, Surprise, or anywhere really-the more the better : )

-Keep up your distribution efforts for as long as possible. You might reach someone you didn't the first time. If your flyer gets torn down, put a new one up. Especially as we get closer to May. Sometimes interested shoppers forget dates and times & need a reminder.

-Event and public meeting announcements are welcome in many businesses, and public buildings.

-Social Media! Much of our yearly traffic comes from social media advertising, what a quick & easy way to reach a large amount of potential visitors! Share the flyer, share the page invite your entire friends list to the event, and keep sharing!! If you're apart of a facebook "group" including FB yard sales, post an announcement/flyer there as well. Tweet it, blog it, button it, instagram it, whatever your cup of tea is : )

-Remember to carry durable tape that won't damage or tacks for hanging

-Any other fantastic ideas?? Share them in the comment box below!

Thanks! & good luck with your advertising efforts!

-Your 2013 Holiday House Team

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

FB Advertising!

Hey there spectacular vendors!

With just a month and a half away we are getting really excited for our Spring Holiday House event! If you're an "old timer" you'll know that one of the biggest reasons our vendor fees are low is because we ask for vendor participation in advertising. We'll be sending out this years flyers and all kinds of advertising tips in upcoming weeks but we'd like to start with FACEBOOK! We get lots of traffic on our HH Facebook page and utilize it for lots of advertising. From now until the big weekend we'll be spotlighting different vendor's "shops" on the facebook page and we'd love for you to let us know what you'd like us to focus on for you. If you have some great pictures that we don't already have (from your vendor app) or will be offering great deals at the HH, or just want to show off whats great about your business, let us know! It will help get our shoppers excited for May! Just Message us on the FB page to give us the details.
If you're not already following the Facebook page, we'd love it if you did. Keep an eye out for other vendor's spotlights, "like" and comment on them, and we'll be able to boost advertising, and support each other!
Here's the FB LINK 

Thanks so much!
-Your 2014 Spring Holiday House Team

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Swag Bags!

One new idea we're really excited about for this event are Holiday House Swag Bags! We had 200 bags donated and we'll be stuffing them with all kinds of goodies (samples, coupons, flyers, etc.) to hand out to our shoppers. We know it will incentivize shoppers to come out to the event and it will be a great way for each of you (or others you know!) to advertise your business. Business cards stapled to a little sample, flyers, printed coupons, catalogs, get creative with how you'd like to utilize the swag bags to benefit your business! If you know any local businesses that are looking for ways to "get the word out" and publicize, please pass this information along. If you'd like to formally submit for a spot in the swag bag, read the details below, click on the original application link in the post below this one, and fill out the information with your Swag Bag Option selection and return it to:
Thanks so much!
*Swag Bags are optional

-In lieu of raffle baskets we’ll be handing out “swag bags” to the first 100 shopper each day (200 total).
-Vendors may opt to participate for an additional fee:

Option #1-Have your business card/pamphlet/catalog placed in each bag ($25)

Option #2-A coupon worth $5 or more, a sample item, or other giveaway promotional item in
each bag ($10)

-With both options the vendor is responsible for providing swag bag materials

-We still encourage vendors to donate a small item from their “shop” that we’ll be giving away to
a few lucky winners.

Comment below with questions. Thanks!
-Your 2014 Spring Holiday House Team