Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Quick Important Message!

Hey there fabulous vendors!
We're excited to see you soon! Just as a quick reminder...all communication should go through this blog. Feel free to ask us questions by commenting below. We'll get back to you as soon as we can! If you feel like you need to send a private email, from here on out Arlena will be your point of conact at this email address: arlenastrode@gmail.com

Thank you!!
-Your 2014 Spring Holiday House Team

Monday, April 21, 2014

Payment Info & Swag Bag Sneak Peek

This year is our first year not employing a cash register--a system we often use to allow vendors to come and go as they please while we take payment for them. At the Spring Holiday House each vendor will be responsible for taking their own payments & staying with their booths. We just wanted to give you a few tips to make sure it's a great success!

-Although lots of shoppers are prepared with cash for holiday boutiques, some are not and most prefer to pay with a card. We don't want you to lose possible sales because someone may not have enough cash. If you do not already have a way to accept cc and are interested in it, you can easily download an app to your tablet or mobile smart phone. Get that info here. They'll send you a "swiper" that attaches to your device. This is totally optional--your preferred payment method is up to you :)

-If accepting cards remind shoppers that there is a fee or have the fee already factored into your prices

-Bring a cash box with plenty of change & keep a good eye on it...we've never had a theft problem at The Holiday House but you never know...an apron with pockets works great too!

-Label with clear & easy to read pricing. Not only does it make for a simple and pleasant shopping experience but shoppers won't need to wait and ask you "how much?" if you are busy with another customer.

-Have back up. Taking payment for your own booth means your booth will need to be "manned" at all times. If you need to switch out or take a break at anytime now is a great time to take some time and set that up with someone who'd be willing. In the past we've had last minute cancellations due to no "back up". We are excited about your participation and for your successes and want you to be a part of the show!

-Avoid the "stare down"...we all like to keep an eye on our booths, see what shoppers are interested in, and be readily available to answer questions, these are all great practices for successful sales! However, try to avoid watching too closely as a shopper may browse your booth, sometimes this makes shoppers uncomfortable and we want our shoppers to take part in the fun & friendly environment we're famous for! On the other hand being friendly and engaging can often boost sales & make for a great experience!

-We will have some shopping bags on hand for your/shopper use but consider supplying some of your own for smaller items, for bulk purchases, and for branding purposes.

If you have any great pricing/payment/booth tips you'd like to share...post them below! We'd love to hear them and we can all benefit from one another's knowledge and experience!

All swag bag payment & items are due Thursday, May 1st, 2014. (10 days) We are still accepting if you know anyone interested!

-$50 Gift Card to Planet Beach
-Cerretta's Candy Samples
-Cookie Samples
-Vendor Donated Items (see below)
-Coupons & Freebies galore!
-Local business flyers & business cards
-and MORE!

*The first 100 shoppers each day receives a swag bag! Tell your friends! We open at 9am!

*Each year we've asked vendors to donate an item to our raffle baskets which we've used to encourage shoppers to make purchases (1 raffle ticket for making a purchase, 1 additional ticket for every $50 spent). This year we're doing swag bags in lieu of raffle baskets. We'd still love your donations--which are optional--to place a few lucky bags for random shoppers to receive. We'd prefer to receive your donations during vendor set up but we'll accept them any 'ol time before open on Saturday morning.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Flash Back :)

Hello Hello Spring vendors! We've about a month to go...and in our excitement we'd like to reminisce a little with ya. Returning vendors will have fun taking a peek while new vendors will get a glimpse of what to expect! Enjoy :)

For a preview of what you'll see in May browse our facebook page...we are busy promoting your talent with giveaways, sneak peeks, and more! "like", comment, share, "join", invite your friends!

P.S. We have amazing things coming to our shoppers in the form of HH Swag Bags...stay tuned for an exclusive sneak peek of those coming up next :)